Wake Forest Theatre/Drama Patrons
Ginger and Michael Anderson
William and Sharon Goccia
Mike and Bonnie Mills
Caroline Hewett
David and Harriett Volpe
Billy and Yvonne King
Aileen Staples
Chantal Cazin and Family
Lauren Manfreda and Family
Donna Spargo
Kevin and Rebecca Jones
Mike and Katina Mills
Erin Kearns
Anonymous Donor

TAP (Wake Forest Theatre Arts Productions) boosters are made up of adult volunteers who work for the betterment of the students and the theatre department. We support Mrs. Rendina and Mr. Domack with funding and volunteer to help with performances, competitions, technical theater, musicals, and all the other great things this program has to offer! In order to be successful, we need your support! If you would like to join us, you can contact the drama teacher, Mrs. Kristin Rendina at krendina@wcpss.net or our TAP Secretary, Lauren Manfreda at WFHStheatreartsboosters@gmail.com for more information.