Mary Poppins - March 17 - March 18, 2023

Tolland High School

 A Note From The Director 

Happy show week everyone! Thank you for coming and supporting Tolland High School Drama’s production of Mary Poppins! Everyone from cast, crew, pit, and the community have been working tirelessly to put this production together and we are so excited for you to see it! 


I am extremely proud of this production. The quality of the cast, pit orchrests, tech and stage crew, and all the advisor are outstanding. A truly successful production, however, involves more than what is presented on stage. It should not only be an artistic learning experience, but a personal one as well. I’m especially proud of the cooperation, mutual respect, the level of commitment, and the teamwork that has been demonstrated by everyone involved in this production. These students have put egos aside and discovered that whether they had one line or fifty, were on or off stage, that everyone shares equally in the pride and success of such an accomplishment. 


Five years ago we started start on this journey with our production of Grease, with the goal of bringing Tolland High School Drama to this hightened level within the next 4 years. We wanted to provide our students with the closet experience to real life theatre as possible. While COVID delayed us a little, the support of our students, you, and the community we were able to keep pushing toward our goals. Now the time has finally arrived and with your support we have brought Tolland High School Drama to a level unseen here before.


Musical productions like these aren't cheap. The show you are about to watch has cost approxiamtely $25,000 to fund materials for the set, costumes, professional pit musicians, rights/license to musical, props, ZFX Flying Effects, etc... With the support of local bussiness, our sponsors, and all of you we are able to provide these shows and opportunites to our students and community. I would like to take a moment a thank all of those that have supported Tolland High School Drama over the years. Your support has brought us to where we are today. Most importantly, your support has transformed countless students, our most precious commodities, lives for the better. I hope that you enjoy our 2023 production of Mary Poppins! 


Thank you,


Noah Fields


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