This show combines the unique and varied talents of over 80 students and staff members. The entire organization would like to say a very special thank you to the following people:
Mr. Raymond Kinder, Superintendent
Dr. Stephen Toth, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. James Betz, Director of Special Education
Mr. Thomas McCabe, High School Principal
Mrs. Lisa Shirvinski, Assistant High School Principal
Mr. Christopher Czapla, Middle School Principal
Ms. Tara Orefice, Elementary Principal
Mr. Frank D'Agostino, Assistant Elementary Principal
TASD Board of Education
The parents and teachers of all of our students for their cooperation, patience, and understanding of the huge time commitment necessary for the success of the production.
The TASD Custodial Staff
My mother, Lauri Miller, and Randa Ray for fitting and altering costumes. Also, Lauri Miller, Charlotte Yorgey, and Carla Najarro for ironing the costumes.
Angela McCabe, Johanna Ulicny, and all of the other TADC Booster parents who organized, ran, and supported our various fundraisers.
Colleen Barrett, Johanna Ulicny, Charlotte Yorgey, and Angela McCabe for running the ticket sales.
Nathaniel Noftz for assisting with acting instruction.
Maddie McGlinchey for assisting with the choreography and instruction.
Tammy Wapinsky for finding the time to work with some of our vocalists on this production.
Claudia Krell and Karissa Brothers for organizing the concession stand, and all parents who donated to the concession stand and volunteered their time in the lobby.
Bonnie Seifert for taking pictures at dress rehearsal.
Kylie Lehatto of Stone & Laurel Photography for your beautiful promotional photography.
Brenden Bugge of Bugge Productions for your amazing promotional videos.
Abby Shumgart for creating all of the lobby artwork/decor.
Thank you to Kelly Printing for printing the playbills.
Everyone who purchased tickets to this show and supported our various fundraisers throughout the years. We couldn't do this without your support.