Little Women - August 01 - August 04, 2013

STAR Theater

 Director's Note 

    First of all, let me welcome you to STAR's 13-18 year old Workshop Production of Little Women the Musical. This year marked the largest turnout ever for this age group, and the cast’s size and energy have made things exciting but also challenging. We have taken a show that had been done with a cast of ten on Broadway and we’ve double cast nearly every part, split roles that were doubled in the original production, and added a few extra surprises to make a more traditional, full-scale musical.

    When we first approached the show, the idea of performing a musical set during the American Civil War seemed not only extremely daunting, but also distant. We were afraid the actors would have trouble connecting to characters of the far-off time and the audience would struggle to relate to the era.  Furthermore, there was no electricity in the 1860s, which made technical options for the show all the more limited. To handle all these obstacles yet still stay true to the vision of Louisa May Alcott, we decided to re-imagine the show during World War II. The themes of tested family values, conflict of tradition and progress, and women's empowerment are just as relevant, if not more so, during the 1940's and World War II as they were during the Civil War.

    Images of Rosie the Riveter and the Andrew Sisters quickly came to mind and helped provide the inspiration for our scrapbook-themed back wall. Our minimalistic set allows you to focus on the themes of the show and the story itself while also providing an idea of how much the average American on the home front sacrificed to help support the troops and the cause. Now I invite you to sit back, relax, and let our most amazing cast simply astonish you. Enjoy Little Women.


Michael Juba


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