Heavenlee Fraga
Stage Manager
Heavenlee is a Stage Manager this year for the Little Mermaid, and is extremely grateful to have part in this production and to have met and worked with such amazing people. Along with Little Mermaid, she was a techie in Mary Poppins and plans to sign up again for the next production her senior year.
Q Lowery
Stage Manager
Q is thankful for being part of The Little Mermaid, Q enjoys working with the tech crew, He is also a stage manager this year this will be his last year doing this and we will surely miss him
Ares Hilton
Ares is thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow in the Audio Engineering field by helping produce this year’s production.
Lydia McRee
Scenic Charge
Lydia is thankful for the opportunity to create magnificent set pieces with her classmates.
Isaac Casada
Isaac is intrigued.