This show was produced by support from the Vaughn community and our extended family and friends, with the help of DonorsChoose, an amazing organization that allows teachers to ask for resources to make their classrooms engaging. We would like to thank all of our special sponsors who helped cover the costs of producing this show:
Luz Padilla
Erika Flores
Leticia Gurrola
Yenyfer Delgado
Angelica Schwartz
Amy McCammon
Johnathan Lopez
Cassandra Chavez
Sara Martinez
Claudia Rios
Susan Wedemeyer
Bryan Martinez
Marcia Cooley
Fernando Tejada
Suzan Van Keulen
Karyn Newbill
Brenda Masson
Holly Mulloy
Randy Jones
Paul Carganilla
Blue, in memory of Jonathan Kenion
Lindy from California
Chris from Astoria, NY
Charles Best, CEO of DonorsChoose
Joy Brilliant from New Jersey