Legally Blonde The Musical Jr. - March 25 - March 26, 2022

Scotts Ridge Middle School


Georgia-We're so proud of you Georgia! We're so excited to see you on stage again! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Ava & Owen


Aila- We are so proud of all of your accomplishments in the Arts, and being a part of the middle school program will only make your light shine brighter. We love you and can't wait to see the performances! Mom, Dad, and Addis


Eliza - Harvard law students don't have anything on you! So proud of you always and your dedication! Congratulations cast and crew on a wonderful production and a huge thank you to Ms. Bray & Dr. Polak! Love Always, Mom, Dad, Alexandra, Annamama, Nana, Papa Jim, and Swagger


Dear Abigail, It fills us with so much pride and joy to see you doing what you love to do on stage. You’ve worked so hard and now you can enjoy this moment! We love you so much! Love, Mom, and Dad

Dear Audrey, We are so proud of your grace and confidence on stage.  We love you so much!  "Break a leg” only metaphorically speaking this time! Love, Mom and Dad


Gabby-Congratulations on your incredible performance, Gabby! You definitely “whipped it good!” Love, Your Biggest Fans 
Kieran-Congratulations Kieran! We are so proud of you and love you. - Mom, Dad & Jack
Melina- Have fun! We know you will be great! We love you, Melina!
Izzy- We are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad

Tessa, we are so proud of your hard work and dedication!  Love you, Mom, Papi, Xavier, and Catalina


Grace-Omigod you guys! We are sooooo proud of Grace Pepin! Love, 176 


Rosie — It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that you do everything. We are so proud of you!!!
Love Mom, Dad & CJ
Dear Ben, our favorite professor. Break a leg! Love, Mom & Dad
Ben- Remember your most important line…”WHAT?!?” Sooo proud! SHMILY - Mom
Good luck Ben! You can do it! From me (Miles)
Ben, I’m so proud of you - Kaleigh
Charlotte- Congratulations, Charlotte!  We are so proud of you.  Love, Mom, Dad and Henry


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