Legally Blonde The Musical Jr. - March 25 - March 26, 2022

Scotts Ridge Middle School

 End Notes 

OMG You Guys...We did it! We always say the SRMS musical is a labor of love, but this year, in particular, will always hold a special place in our hearts. We had to start from scratch in many ways this year, which brought new challenges to navigate and uncertainty. Through it all, the cast and crew rose to challenge, and we could not be more proud. We would like to thank Mr. Salem, Ms. Frese, and Mr. Clavi for always being supportive of the musical.


There are so many people we need to thank for helping make this performance a success. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped on various committees especially Lori Bran for taking on concessions, Christin Klewicki for chairing the cast party, and Trea O'Malley for creating beautiful posters. A huge shout out to Emily Mills who always finds a way to fulfill my crazy requests! Thank you to Ms. Brown for crafting the best band leader hat and for scavenging thrift stores for the perfect costume pieces. To the parents- Thank you for your patience and support and for getting the students here in the wee hours of the morning. We are forever grateful.


A HUGE thank you to Rico Froehlich for coming back every year to help with the production. We could not do it without you.


Thank you to Kate Wark for volunteering your time and taking professional headshots of the cast.


Thank you to Jenelle Black for taking photos.


Thank you to Lisa Mariakakis for lending us poms poms. 


To all the cast and crew-  We are sad to see this wild ride come to an end. Each of you holds a special place in our hearts. We hope you will all participate in next year's musical. 


Thank you to The Michels. We just can't let go of you as part of our theater family and we are incredibly grateful you keep coming back to help!


A very special thank you to Andrew Kolaski of A Plus Audio Visual for saving the day and finding us the perfect projector. 


To the eighth graders-

It's hard to believe this is our first and last show together. It has been a privilege to work with all of you on this production. We only wish we had more time with you. Dr. Polak and I are in awe of your talent, commitment, and flexibility as we navigated new territory. Please continue to do what you love and stay true to who you are. We hope to see all of you in future productions at the high school.

Best of luck to you! Love, Dr. Polak and Mrs. Bray


A musical is not a small undertaking. The overall experience is the epitome of joy, but without the unwavering support of our families, our participation would not be possible. Dr. Polak would like to thank her husband, Martin, for his incredible patience of hearing the soundtrack of Legally Blonde on repeat for months. Thank you for taking on extra driving duties to accommodate the crazy schedule. A special shoutout to Mila and Misha Polak who learned every song, every dance, and contributed in countless ways to inspiration in this production. Mrs. Bray would like to thank her husband, Erik, for his incredible building talent. Without him, this production would not be possible. She would also like to thank her two children for all their help, patience, and for lending their clothes and bedroom furniture to this production. 


We hope you enjoy the show!



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