Act I
It's Your Wedding Day
Robbie, Sammy, George, Ensemble
Julia, Bridesmaids
Holly, Angie, Julia, Bridesmaids
A Note from Grandma
Casualty of Love
Robbie, Ensemble
Come Out of the Dumpster
Julia, Robbie
Today You Are A Man
Robbie, Sammy, George, Band
Not That Kind of Thing
Robbie, Julia, Clerk, Ensemble
Saturday Night in the City
Holly, Julia, Robbie, Glen, Sammy, George, Ensemble
Act II
All About The Green
Glenn, Robbie, Ensemble
Someday (Julia's Reprise)
Right In Front of Your Eyes
Holly, Sammy
Sammy, Robbie, George, Ricky, Bum
If I Told You
Robbie, Julia
Not That Kind/If I Told You (Reprise)
Rosie, Robbie, Julia
Move That Thang
Rosie, George
Grow Old With You
Robbie, Julia
Act II (finale)
Robbie, Julia, Holly, Sammy, George, Impersonators, Ensemble