Special Thanks:
Ainsley Moore
Allison Mayetani
Ann Burnett
Annie Nash
Bernard Geoxavier
Brandon Stauffer
Corinne Penka
Dani Howe
George Wintriss
Halee Rasmussen
Ingrid Gustavson
Ivan Wang
Izzy Rust
Jamie Allan
Jeff Rogers
Jerry Rapier & Plan B Theatre Company (planbtheatre.org)
Julie Jensen
Kylee Lacy
Maria Hutchings
Matthew Sorensen https://www.matthewbsorensen.com/ (design/construction: Bugbears and The Beholder)
Max Murphy
Morgan Jacquin
Neha Dixit
RHSM Operations Department
Robert Lainhart
Stephanie Orfanakis
Susan and Brent Brague (and all of the parents who supplied food for tech week!)
Talia Heiss
U of U Theatre Department
University of Utah tech students (construction of Bugbears and The Beholder, 2020)