The traditional and innocently optimistic messages in the musical Annie, Jr. became regular parts of our vocabulary from the moment we chose the show this past spring. Every really big question - like “Will we be able to have a musical?” and “Will we be able to have an audience?” and “Will the construction be done?” were all “Maybe” for a long time. We found ourselves always wondering what “Tomorrow” would bring so we could get excited about our show. This show became somewhat of a rags to riches story - much like Annie’s.
However, I think the more important message of this show, especially in 2021, comes from Mr. Warbucks. He says “No matter how much money you’ve got, if you have no one to share your life with, if you’re alone, then you might as well be broke.” I’m more and more convinced every day that the forced closeness in our small family and social circles that the COVID months created has led to this realization among all of us. Some folks have started to question the importance of all of those extra work hours and all of the material “things” we thought were so vital. For many of us, the focus has shifted from trying to “having it all” to trying to “appreciate it all.”
I’ve been so fortunate this fall to be surrounded by some amazingly talented, polite and kind young people in the cast of Annie, Jr. All of the adults who work with this cast have commented on how exceptional they are as people. So, to the parents and families of these wonderful actors, I thank you for making us so “rich” during this journey. Enjoy the show!
~Mrs. Hill