Emilee Bauer
as Kira (Clio)
Emilee Bauer, a senior at Osseo-Fairchild High School, is leaping into her fifth musical. She dabbles in many things like sewing, the arts, and archery. She is pursuing her dream career of doing art at Madison Technical College. Her previous roles include Monica in Freaky Friday, Cindy in All Sports Network, and Jo in Little Women.
Lincoln Bertrang
as Sonny Malone
Lincoln is a sophomore at OFHS. He performed last year in Freaky Friday. He plays many sports including cross country, basketball, and track. Lincoln loves music and plays in a band called DeepFake.
Kyle Burmesch
as Danny Maguire
Kyle Burmesch is a senior. This is his fourth musical with OFHS. When not at musical rehearsal, he spends his time reading and running.
Alyssa Burmesch
as Melpomene (Andrews Sister)
Alyssa Burmesch is a freshman at OFHS. This is their second musical (and fourth year doing play-acting for Forensics- uh, Speech Team). They are fifteen years old and their parents are Mark Burmesch and Rebecca Burmesch.
Ariel Wier
as Calliope (Andrews Sister)
Ariel is a sophomore at OFHS. This is her first appearance in a musical.