Disney's Freaky Friday - March 31 - April 02, 2022

Mount Pleasant High School

 End Notes 

Welcome to MPHS Drama's Spring Musical, Freaky Friday!



Two years ago, this program saw their production of Chicago: High School Edition postponed for two weeks and then canceled due to the pandemic. 


We all thought we would be back the next year, but unfortunately we were not. Yes, we were able to produce a well-received streaming cabaret performance, but that couldn't beat the sound of a live audience laughing and clapping along.


This past fall we thought we would rise again, but opted to play it safe and stream our Fall Play, "Love/Sick". 


Finally, we presented "live and in person" our annual Student Directed One-Act Play Festival. It felt good to be back.


And here we are today. It feels...mostly normal. The cast has rehearsed their blocking, vocal parts, and choreography. The set building team built and painted the scenery, our technical crew made sure you could see and hear the cast, the orchestra pit provides the music, the costume team made sure everyone looked their part, the parent volunteers made sure people were fed, ticketed, and seated. This is what a Spring Musical at Mount Pleasant High School should be!


It's been a long road, but here we are. It's been a long road, and while we've faced obstacles along the way, we've all grown as people and as a team. It's been a long road and it's one that we wouldn't want to travel with any one other than the people that traveled this road with us.


These people, some of who last performed on stage when they were in 7th grade, or haven't graced a stage since freshmen year, because the pandemic knocked us out for two years. These people who grew stronger and independent, not because they wanted to, but because they had to.


Take a moment and think on that. Then sit back and thank the universe that we are able to produce this show for you today. 



We will see you next year! Who knows, maybe you'll be joining us onstage or backstage!




Chris Turner

Drama Director

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