Disney's Freaky Friday - March 31 - April 02, 2022

Mount Pleasant High School


Mount Pleasant High School Administration, Faculty, and Staff

Principal Calderon-Lacy

Ms. Burton

Mr. Regan

Mr. McCullough

Mr. Wells

Mr. Norton

Melanie Koli

Taika Davis

Lisa Willis

Brian Drumbore

Kelly Hanson

Patrick Sutton

MPHS Custodial Staff

Anthony Oliver


Brandywine School District Administration



Lynne Fowler

Mariah Romaninsky

Pam Huxtable


84 Lumber


Set Build Students and Adults

Bob Coyle

Gary Garner

Eric Chapman

Charlotte Curley

Kara DeSilva

Nina DeSilva

Tiana Easley

David Good

Alana Grimes

Melinda Hayfinger

Nabila Jasnim

John Kain

Jessica Marvel

Paul McCorkle

Greg Munson

Hope Munson

Mandy Munson

Kristen Pontani

Avalon Pope

Jack Pope

David Seidel

Caiden Smith

Mitchell Steinberg

Will Wheeler

Apollo Wiechecki

Kerry Xiao


MPHS Drama Parent/Caregiver Volunteers 

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