Disney's Freaky Friday - March 31 - April 02, 2022

Mount Pleasant High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Avalon A. Pope

    Stage Manager

    is excited to stage manage her final show at Mount as a senior. Over her high school career, she's been involved in over a dozen shows both at Mount and the local drama league in various capacities on the technical side. She is the Stage Crew Apprentice for the MPHS Drama Officers. This will be her first (and last!) time stage managing. She hopes you enjoy the show.

  • Charlotte Curley

    Crew Chief

    is delighted to be involved in this production of Freaky Friday! She is a junior at Mount.  This is her third year participating in the drama program. She has been involved with The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later (run crew), One Act Festival 2020 (run crew), Love/Sick (crew chief), One Act Festival 2022 (stage manager + run crew). She feels so lucky that this opportunity has been given to her, and that she has gotten to meet all the fabulous people and learn what she has from this drama program. She wants to thank everyone that has been involved with and has made this production happen along with her family and friends for their love and support.

  • Kerry Xiao

    Crew Chief

    is thrilled to be a part of the MPHS production of Freaky Friday! He's a senior in the IB Programme, and when he isn't at drama he's also involved in the robotics club. This will continue his streak of being in every Mount production as his eighth show. He would like to thank the Mount Drama program, (especially the stage manager,) and hopes you enjoy the show!

  • Nina De Silva

    Lighting Tech

    is a senior in the IB programme here at Mount, as well as the Technical Apprentice for the MPHS Drama Officers. She is thrilled to be a part of Freaky Friday, which will be her 9th and final production at Mount. She would like to thank everyone for coming to see the show and supporting the drama program and hopes that you will enjoy the show!

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