Kayvon Mostofi
Student Director
Kayvon has been in drama all four years of high school, but this is his first MV production. He is really excited to try something new as a member of stagecrafts and a student director! Outside of drama, Kayvon enjoys mountain biking, hiking, skiing, video editing, and filming.
Peyton Blessing
Stage Manager
Peyton welcomes you to the first production of the year! She would like to thank her underclassman children, her family, friends, and Andre from Victorious. #teamabigail
Sara Hecht
Stage Manager
Sara wants to dedicate this show to all the first years who did such an amazing job this production! Their hard work and dedication has been so inspiring. #teamabigal #moremarywarren #morerocks
Amy Bone
Amy in gluten intolerant.
Makena Eggiman
Makena is so thrilled to be apart of her 3rd year in the drama program, and first year in stagecrafts. She loved acting and now takes a role backstage to get creative, make friends, learn new things, and use power tools to feel like a #girlboss. Enjoy the show!