9 to 5: The Musical - March 02 - March 05, 2022

Monte Vista High

  Who's Who  

  • Keara Hedican head shot

    Keara Hedican

    as Violet Newstead

    Keara Hedican is a senior at Monte Vista and is so excited to play Violet in 9 to 5. She feels so honored to work with all the talented artists from Play Pro, Stagecrafts, Chambers Singers, and Band and would like to congratulate everyone who put their heart and soul into making this show possible. This is truly a dream come true.

  • Adee Franbuch head shot

    Adee Franbuch

    as Doralee Rhodes

    This is Adee’s 2nd year in drama and her 1st MV musical! Her favorite pastimes are filming podcasts, being slay, editing Rachel on a dog, and asking people what she should write for her bio. She dedicates this show to Dolly Parton for being an icon, Mr. Worldwide for inspiring her, and her family for all their support. She hopes you enjoy the show!

  • Ava Gold head shot

    Ava Gold

    as Judy Bernly

    u might see me in this show, idk look!  

  • Arman Memarzadeh head shot

    Arman Memarzadeh

    as Franklin Hart, Jr.

    I'm not actually a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot. I forgot to write my bio. #FJL #TTT They're singing happy birthday... 

  • Ella Bourassa head shot

    Ella Bourassa

    as Roz Keith

    This is Ella’s first high school production and she’s super excited for you to see it! She also recently discovered power tools and now she’s totally hooked. #TTT #FJL ... you just wanna lay down and cry.

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