Abby Drummond-Alston - Abby is excited to be in her first musical at Methacton High School, and she's very happy to be playing the role of the Principal. Her favorite previous roles include Melpomene in Xanadu Jr. and the Sultan in Aladdin Jr. She would like to thank her family and friends for their constant support.
Aiden Bordick - Aiden is really excited for everyone to see Footloose. He has only been in two other productions and finds the high school production very fun. He has played Razoul in Aladdin and Zeus in Xanadu. His friends always say he has "nonknee bending" roles.
Alex DePiano - Alex is a principal dancer and the Dance Assistant for Footloose. She was a dancer in The Great Gatsby as well. She has been a dancer in The Tales of Sleeping Beauty and Alice in Wonderland. She thanks everyone who helped out with the show.
Alex Jacoby - Alex is extremely excited to be in his third and final production for MHSTC! He has previously been in the Spongebob Musical and the Great Gatsby at the company, and hopes to continue his theater in college. He would like to give a big thanks to the company for redeveloping his performing arts interest!
Alex Pack - Alex Pack is a junior who is excited to be a part of "Footloose", which will be her tenth stage production! This and the WPG show have been her favorite performances. Alex would like to especially thank her senior best friends who she'll really miss performing with, and who she is forever grateful for.
Amelia Syx - Amelia is very excited to be given the role of Dance Captain and is delighted to help her peers learn and grow in the dance world. She cannot wait to perform with her friends!
Ava Gerstemeier - Hiii :) Ava Gerstemeier is a senior at MHS, whose first show happens to be this one! Even though this is her first musical, she's been doing music since she was in Elementary School. She's looking forward to this production and loving everyone in it!
Ava Nascimento - Ava Nascimento is excited to be in Footloose! She is a sophomore. Ava was in "The Great Gatsby" earlier this year. She was also in "Spongebob", "The Dining Room", and "All Together Now" last year at Methacton.
Brianna Katz - Brianna is a sophomore at MHS and thrilled to be participating in Footloose this year. She performed in last year's The SpongeBob Musical and Mary Poppins Jr. at Arcola as she enjoys performing on stage. Brianna takes dance including ballet, lyrical and hip hop in the community. Special thanks to the Methacton Theatre family for helping her grow on stage and making it fun.
Brianna LaFreeda - Brianna LaFreeda is a sophomore at MHS and this is her fourth show at the high school! This fall, she was a featured dancer in "The Great Gatsby." She has been involved in many shows at Firebird Theatre, COMAD, as well as MCT. She appreciates everyone's time and efforts on this show!