incoming 2nd through 9th graders
JUNE 13-17………..9:00-12:00
$75 ($60 for additional siblings)
Come join us for a fun and exciting week of singing, acting and dancing! Incoming 2nd through 9th graders will experience a daily rotation of music, dance and drama culminating in a public performance on Friday, June 17th at 11:30 in the MCHS Auditorium! No experience necessary! Come try it out!
2022 Summer Musical Theatre Camp Registration Form
Name __________________________Grade (2022-2023)___________
Circle T-shirt size: YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL AXXL
Parent’s Name _____________________________________________
Parent’s Phone Number/Cell ___________________________________
Parent E-mail ______________________________________________
Emergency contact name number (if different from parent)
Does our child have any special medical information we need to be aware of? Allergies, restrictive activities, medications, Epipen, et.? Please attach additional form if needed.
Please list who will pick up your child each day….list multiple if necessary….
Name __________________________________ Phone ____________
Name __________________________________ Phone ____________
Name __________________________________ Phone ____________
Mail form with payment to:
MCHS Chorus, attn: Derek Crafton
938 Old State Road, Brandenburg, KY 40108
Or…...send form via email to