Freaky Friday - April 07 - April 10, 2022

Linganore High School

 Cast & Crew Shout-outs 

Julia, I admire how you can get on stage and become someone else. You will go far in life, my talented actress. Love, Grandma G

To the Talented Students of LHS Drama: Best of luck! Whether backstage or on it, you will never disappoint!

-Mr. Hawkins, Social Studies Department

Emily, Guzzle the soda or just dump it, that is your “hour glass” dilemma? Sam’s Cola & Dr. Thunder rule! :-) ~Mom & Dad

Emily, Wow! Last show at LHS. We love you and are proud of you. Break an hour glass. Love Mom, Dad, Matt and Josh

Helen - From painting the town December to costumes and support, we love to watch you do the things you love to do!
So proud of who you are! xox, Dad and Mom


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