The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - April 08 - April 10, 2022

Lincoln High School

 End Notes 

Director's Notes


There are very few places where over a few months strangers morph into family, and the theatre is one of them. Through successes and mess ups, students learn to stand on their own and lean upon each other. From the cast members to the tech crew, each individual student learns the power of being a unit – pure collaboration that depends on hard work and dedication from every student.


Therefore, when some seniors approached me in November about directing the school play, after not having one for two years due to the pandemic, I knew I didn’t have a choice. These students deserved the unexplainable euphoria of a successful performance that’s only possible after weeks of exhaustion from tireless practices. What I didn’t know, however, was how much I would learn from these kids.


Over the past eight weeks, I have seen what true dedication, hard work, and passion is. Between working jobs, school classes, other teams, and theatre practices, these students put their full effort into every thing they do. No roadblock stopped them, or even slowed them down, and believe me, we had our share of plenty. No matter what, they preserved through – determined to create and perform the best show to their abilities. Determined to instill the love of theatre back into the community that has gone two years without one.


It is with my honor to proudly present The Wizard of Oz at Lincoln High School. I just hope that as these students, especially the seniors, go out into the world and start to make their own paths that they remember: there’s no place like home.


- Kaitlyn Boot

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