The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - April 08 - April 10, 2022

Lincoln High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Lilly McCarty head shot

    Lilly McCarty

    Stage Manager

    Lilly McCarty is a graduating senior. This is her fourth production participating in the tech crew. Other productions include Annie, Cougar Cabaret: Through The Decades, and Shrek: The Musical. Throughout high school, Lilly has participated in Key Club, Student Council, National Honor Society, and the tennis team. This year she was able to lead the marching band as field commander. In the future, Lilly plans to attend Fairmont State University to become a nurse.

  • Mason Loss head shot

    Mason Loss

    Assistant Stage Manager

    Mason Loss is a junior at Lincoln High School. This is his second time being a techie for the school play, his first show being Annie. Outside of theatre, Mason is a member of the Key Club, Student Council Executive Committee, Yearbook Staff, Treasurer of the Junior Class, and plays alto saxophone in the Band.

  • Mathew Kerns head shot

    Mathew Kerns

    Lighting Designer

    Mathew Kerns is a graduating senior. This is his third production running lights. His past shows include Cougar Cabaret: Through The Decades and Shrek: The Musical. Outside of theatre, Mathew is the senior class president, president of Lincoln's DECA chapter, secretary of both the National Honor Society and Key Club. After high school, Mathew plans to attend West Virginia University to pursue a career in Neuroscience.

  • Victoria Andrick head shot

    Victoria Andrick

    Sound Design

    Victoria Andrick is a senior at Lincoln High School. This is her fourth year on tech crew. Outside of theatre, she is involved in concert band, jazz band, African drum ensemble, and National Honor Society. After high school, she plans to attend Marshall University for Nursing. She then plans to continue her education at UHC for a career in radiology.

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