The Wizard of Oz (Young Performers' Edition) - November 11 - November 13, 2021

Legacy Middle School


Thank you to the amazing cast and crew who shared their time and talents to help make this show the best it could be! We are so proud of you!


A huge thank you to each and every parent who donated financially and volunteered their time and creativity to help make this production a success - we absolutely could not do this without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Jenn Mize, thank you for taking the lead on ad sales and money details! You've done such a great job and are so appreciated!


Angela Everett-Scogins, thank you for handling concessions, putting the playbill together and coordinating the printing (with the help of Ashley Hodges) and payment (thank you, Parson family!).


It is a massive undertaking to pull off a show like this, with two casts performing 4 shows over 3 days and it absolutely would not have happened without the time, talent and dedication of the following: Linda Wilbourn, Cathy Daniel, Devon Spencer, Rebekah Jagger, Kayla Wicklund, Zoe Phillips, Luke Pearson, Mallory Mankin and Ana Rief.


Lastly, to our fearless leader, Mrs. Stacy Phillips.  Thank you for your vision, inspiration and dedication to this program. You are the best of the best!




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