Disney's High School Musical JR. - January 28 - January 29, 2022

Lakeview Academy


High School Musical is a show that I knew I wanted to do, but knew I needed the perfect cast to do so.  This year with these 40 middle school students, I decided that this was definitely it and boy have they proven me right! Even thought the majority of this cast and crew have never even been in a show, they have been able to put a show together in less time than most professionals do.  Mix that in with weather, covid, crazy schedules, holiday break, constuction, and this week to end it all with an email hacker- this is truly nothing short of a miracle!  Every night I try to thank the kids for their hard work and dedication, but I also need to thank the parents (and Mr. Lawley/Mr. Harris) that not only get the kids back and forth to rehearsals, but also so many other things, like feeding us, headshot boards, taking pictures, etc.  I am eternally grateful to the parents and production adults that have lifted me up as I have learned how to balance being a teacher, director and new mom for the first time in my life.  I love these students as my own, and even though the night's are long, spending them with your children brings me more happiness and lifetime memories than you will ever know!  Thank for you for being "all in this together" as a theatre family and let's celebrate this show tonight!

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