Originally produced by Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey and developed with a commisssioning grant from The Ensemble Studio Theatre/Alfred P Sloan Foundation Science and Technology Project
Danica Andrews
Austin Blakely
Ava Chen
Cam Davis
Jackson Davis
Mark Davis
Brianna De Los Santos Bailey Fier
Tatyana Ramlogan
Alyvia Rigg
Yasmeen Smith
Danny Landin
Lighting Designer
Cam Davis
Costume Designer
Emma Feinstein
Aasiya Vann
Sound Designer
Laura Haurie
Make-up Designer
Abigail Jackson and
Christiane Ovalle
Stage Manager
Krissy Orellana
Prop Designers
Jaiden-Alexa Reid Kiersten Worthy
Directed by Lori Sessions
The Time: The 1920s
The Place: Orange, New Jersey
"Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois"
Video recording and photography are strictly prohibited.