Notes from the Director
I usually don't choose shows like A Grand Night for Singing, opting for more dramatic story lines that beat a moral over your head. But what a wonderful show! I have enjoyed every moment of this production from rehearsing the vocal numbers, to researching pictures of Lawrence Welk sets, to staging and choreographing. And the story of new love, mature love and every stage inbetween - what could have more drama than that?
What is interesting about the "plot" of this production is that each character functions in different ways in each scene. In one number they are the lucky one, in the next, the one rejected. Each scene stands alone, so just sit back and enjoy the music and the lyrics.
The set design was conceived by Brandon and I talking together and looking at pictures of gardens and supper clubs. I am actually glad this show ended up in Terry Concert Hall so the band had to be on stage - they are so fun to watch!
I was initially worried that the students wouldn't like this music - the appeal of new music tends to be so great that come time to choose pre-1965 repertoire, they can be less than enthused. However, they have been totally committed to this music from the start of rehearsal, and I think if you ask any of them, they would say they love it!
So, we have all grown musically and dramatically through this show. There are reasons these songs have withstood the test of time and are considered classics. Thank you for choosing to spend a couple of hours enjoying these tunes with us.
Kimberly Beasley