We would like to thank the Chair of the Music Department, Tommy Harrison, for his leadership and support of our vocal endeavors! I would also like to thank Bill Hill, Dean of the College of Fine Arts for his support of our voice productions.
Thank you to all members of the music faculty who graciously share rehearsal spaces, students, and resources to support the endeavors of the voice productions - Tony Steve, Margie Richardson, Scott Watkins, Tim Snyder, Michael Olson, JianJun He, Dennis Vincent, Artie Clifton, John Ricci, Chris Creswell - thank you.
Thank you to our fellow voice colleagues, Matt Morgan and Rebecca Loar, for perpetuating good singing and helping their students stay healthy and sing healthy.
Extended thank yous to all musicians, cast and crew for a wonderful job on this show! It looks and sounds fantastic and it was so fun working with all of you as always!
And to our extended JU, family, i.e. the significant others of all involved who graciously give us up on nights and weekends so we can pursue our love of singing and performing...we love you!
Directors, Cast, and Crew