All Together Now! - November 12 - November 13, 2021

Independence MS Drama Club

 Who's Who 

  • Matilda Averre

    Theater is Matilda's happy place, her home away from home, and she feels so accepted here. Matilda, an eighth grader, has been seen in two productions of Honk! (Billy/Ensemble), We Haz Jazz (blues soloist) and The Internet Is Distract... OH LOOK A KITTEN! (Jenny) and Frozen (Narrator 1). She is a member of IMS Volleyball team, Choir, plays trumpet in Band and plays Cello at Cleveland Institute of Music. Her other passions include ballroom dancing, hair-doing, horseback riding, swimming, tennis and badminton. She feels greatly connected to all of the arts, and her love for writing stems from that. Thank you to her parents for driving her to rehearsals, Mom for introducing her to theater and Dad for believing in her. And also putting up with all the belting in the shower!

  • Penny Averre

    Penny has previously been seen in Honk! (little duckling), Music Man (townsperson), Stagecraft: The Video Game (Hen) and Frozen Jr. (Anna). She is a member of Choir and has been taking dance classes for 5 years and loves art. She aspires to be in Broadway productions! Thanks everyone for the encouragement through anxious auditions, terrifying tech rehearsals, and all the long periods of time running lines in hopes of having a wonderful show. Thanks Maya Toth for encouragement and hugs when they were most needed. Thank you sisters Tillie and Winnie, her parents, The Six Shades of Disappointment (a friend group) and her pets for never giving up on her. Thanks Noah Shumay for being an indescribable beam of light on the darkest days. Rehearsals for musicals are like her safe space, and she hopes everyone can find that feeling too! Enjoy the show!

  • Mary Biliunas

    Mary, a freshman at IHS, has been seen in Lucky Dollar, Private Eye (Nurse) and The Internet is Distract... OH LOOK A KITTEN! (Catsby). She is a member of Vocal Ensemble, Marching Band and takes private violin lessons. Thank you to family, friends, and Mrs. Obrovac for making this show possible. She can't wait to perform!

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