The Little Prince - November 05 - November 13, 2021

Fullerton Union High School

 End Notes 

Welcome back to the FUHS Theatre stage after a nineteen month intermission due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. As I was selecting a season I wanted to make sure that the themes were not only impactful but light because this was a chance for us to welcome our community back to the theatre. I am so grateful to finally be at a point where we can once again express ourselves and tell the important stories we want to tell from our stage safely. The Little Prince is the second show in our season and we are so thrilled to present a full storytelling experience to our audience. 


As a child I never encountered this story. It was not part of my literary experience. When reading this script, and the book, I realized the impact this story has on so many young humans and how that transfers into their adulthood. I was most inspired by the quote "the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart". After a moment of our collective history, where we have faced so much devestation, on so many levels, this quote puts this moment in time into perspective for me. We are all at a moment where we have to try to find some beauty everyday in order to continue functioning as part of a society.  


This is a story about how our bodies are not as important as the lasting impact we have on others through our humanity and actions. After losing so much there is solace in the fact that the memories of those we love live on, even if they are not physically present. It makes me value personal memories of so many people in my own life and serves as a daily reminder about the impact I want to lhave on others during my lifetime and beyond. 


I would like to thank the following people: Genni Klein for your friendship, love of theatre, and passion to continue to work with FUHS students. Sonia Mendez because I am so proud of who you have become as an artist and human. Stage Manager's Aurora Edmonson and Savanna Worrell for all of your organization, care and leadership. Harley Hall thank you for your leadership and knowledge. The Cast of The Little Prince for all you you did to make this a great way to get back into the theatre and create. The Crew for all you do to help us tell stories from the darkness. The Designers thank you for your passion and creativity. Lastly, the FUHS Drama Booster Club for your fearless and tireless support of this EDUCATIONAL THEATRE program.



Michael J. Despars

Theatre Arts, FUHS Academy of the Arts

California Educational Theatre Association, President



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