G2K... The King And I - October 22 - October 23, 2022

Forest Lake Education Center

 End Notes 



I am so proud of this production! The quality of the cast, stage crew, and the support teams have been fabulous! This evening, I am excited for you to see the results of hours of rehearsal. I am reminded of the importance of the arts in our lives, of the value commitment and challenging work will teach us, and most of all that this story touches situations still being addressed today.


When I was a sophomore in high school, I saw "The King and I" at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta. Yul Brynner was just wrapping up his final tour of the show. It was my first live Broadway production. The beautiful venue, stunning costumes, and music opened a new world of storytelling for me. I still get chills watching this show. However, it now comes from watching my students share a story about how kindness, honesty, and love can change not only a king, but a nation.


“Getting to Know You” is a theme that should be lived, being sensitive to others' beliefs, ideas, and cultures. Kindness, understanding and an openness to our differences is what we want you to take away from our show.


To my students, I am so humbled and honored to be your teacher. The long hours and dedication to this project have paid off. We have worked hard, and as a result I have watched your friendships deepen and your understanding of one another grow.


Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...


Esther Henson, Dir.





This show is a unique one, requiring extensive research and instruction. Great pains were taken to breathe new life into the story while remaining culturally sensitive. Teaching children to do classical storytelling in movement requires a great deal of trust and vulnerability. I thank you for respecting their efforts. We hope you appreciate the timeless music, extraordinary costumes, and the story of how one person can lovingly, calmly and peacefully connect with others to create change. Enjoy the show!


Laura Breece

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