Disney's High School Musical JR. - March 24 - March 27, 2022

Fayette County High School


I, Natalie Quebodeaux, am the Fayette County High School Tiger Troupe Director of Mirrors. This is my second year at Fayette County High School and has been, by far, the most interesting. have been beyond excited to work with students who, like me, have a passion and drive to make each show their best!


Before FCHS I worked on traveling Broadway Productions, one of them being Mama Mia. I, also, worked at Alabama Shakespeare Festival building set designs and working closely with designers, stage managers, and directors to create a magical new place for the audience to step into. I, also, used my summers to teach college students how to build and put together shows in 7 weeks. With my extensive background knowledge, I have applied many techniques to FCHS shows and hope to continue growing the Tiger Troupe.


For me, theatre is a place where I can temporarily retreat from daily life into a world that is distinctly something other than our own. Here we create- and for a time, live in- an alternate reality. We are fortunate to present that reality as entertainment to friends and family who will fill our audiences. The cast and crew’s common goal is that for a few hours of your time, you too can transcend to that “other” place where life is enchanting, obstacles seem impossible, and life is both heartbreaking and heroic.


As the director, the greatest challenge with High School Musical Jr. is to show parents and students that we all have dreams. Those dreams can be reached if only you try to chase them and have the love and support of your friends/family. This show teaches us to always be true to ourselves, no matter what.


Enjoy the show, 


Natalie Quebodeaux

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