Sister Act The Musical - April 06 - April 09, 2022

East Ridge High School

 Director's Notes 


          We are thrilled to bring one of America's favorite movies to the stage this week, and even more thrilled that you are here to share it with us. In times like these, we all need to escape into a theatre and get a good laugh-- at least for a couple of hours-- and remind ourselves that since  "Love thy neighbor as thyself" was the Lord's top commandment, it should probably be the way we live our lives too.


          This is the first time in my career that I have been blessed to work as part of a team of professionals and not had to do all of the tech as well as the directing and hire a choreographer and musical director. The fact that the four of us collaborate so well is a tremendous blessing, and it allows us to provide a level of production quality and training unheard of in most high school theatre programs.


          For every student you see onstage, there are two students behind the scenes making the magic happen. Our team of dedicated stage technicians and crew have put in countless hours to create and run everything you see and hear with very little money. Please know that if you are a donor or sponsor, we cannot thank you enough, and can assure you that every dollar we get is spent entirely on supplies for our students and productions. If you would like to support our program, we gratefully accept all sorts of donations; money, fabric, antiques, lumber, paint, and anything else that we could use to build sets, props and costumes.


          For those of you that are parents of the students in the theatre program, thank you for your support, encouragement, and participation in your child's education.  If you have not already joined our Parent Theatre Booster organization, please consider doing so  so that you can have a voice and contribute not only your time but your ideas as to how to make the program even more successful.


         Sister Act is the story of how music and love can change lives and relationships. Although Delores is convinced her happiness will come from fame, but discovers the hard way that in the pursuit of her dream of being in the spotlight, true fulfillment doesn't come from  glitter and glamour, but from loving relationships and a heart for others.  We all hope you enjoy watching this show as much I we have had producing it.  And don't forget to  spread some love around the next time opportunity presents itself.


Christa Whittaker



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