Anastasia: The Musical - March 11 - March 20, 2022

Crown Point High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Vianni Martins

    Stage Manager

    Vianni Martins has been a part of 7 shows. He is on light & sound crew and lover every minute of it. Outside of school and theatre he enjoys jujitsu, kickboxing, judo, piano, trumpet, and movies. “I want to thank my mother for supporting me and allowing to contribute to something bigger than myself. I also want to thank Mr. Degnhart for giving me the opportunity to learn and have fun while putting on excellent shows for people to enjoy.”

  • Holly Jorden

    Asst. Stage Manager

    Anastasia is Holly’s 8th and final production at CPHS and her 3rd on the backstage running crew. She is ecstatic to be stage-managing her first show. Besides theatre, she is the president of Interact and an active member of NAHS. Holly thanks her friends and family for believing in her and supporting her ambitions, both in theatre and in all other aspects of her life.

  • Nicole Mazhawidza

    Asst. Stage Manager

    Nicole has been a part of theater since she was in 7th grade being included in the crew and cast of their productions. She is now part of the light and sound crew since the beginning of high school in productions such as The Trial of Ebeneezer Scrooge, High School Musical, and Rumors. She is so excited to be able to apart of this musical and more productions forthcoming.

  • Evan Parent

    Sound Board Operator

    Evan is excited for his 8th and final show with crown point high school theatre. Evan operates the soundboard and is the co-crew chief for Light & Sound. He’d like to thank his directors for 4 awesome years of support, and his parents for helping him get here. Evan plans to go to college to pursue music education and technical theatre.

  • Erin Doyle

    Light Board Operator

    Erin was in crew for But Why Bump Off Barnaby?, Freaky Friday, The Trial of Ebeneezer Scrooge and High School Musical, and Rumors. She would like to thank her friends in theatre for making it such an amazing experience and her friends and family outside of theatre for their support, and the productions she puts so much work into. Lastly, thanks to the directors!

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