Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR. - April 28 - April 30, 2023

Coppell Middle School West

 Notes from the Directors 

Once upon a time in a land not so far away,

A group of young actors came together to play.

Under the direction of Franci Hazleton of the red hair,

They brought Beauty and the Beast to life with great care.


With Allison Hartzell as their musical guide,

Their voices soared with each note they tried.

And Sara Albers, a fellow lover of musical arts,

Helped them perfect their moves and their parts.


The show was a challenge, that much is true,

But with hard work and dedication, they pulled through.

The students shone bright, like the stars up above,

And the audience was filled with joy and with love.


So to the parents we must give a great round of thanks,

For supporting their children through endless rehearsals and ranks.

And to our directors, we say bravo,

For your collaboration made this show a knockout, don't you know?


We are proud of these young performers and all they achieved,

And we can't wait to share it with you, so please be relieved.

For it was a tale of beauty and beast, with laughter and fun,

And we hope it touches your hearts -and bless our Company, every one.





with great thanks to CHATGPT

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