The Celebration Choir
The 110 voice Celebration Choir prepares music for both Sunday worship services and provide musical leadership in those services. This group also prepares music for special services at Christmas and Easter.Age ranges from college students through very expereiced singers. All Are welcome!
Rehearsal and Sunday Celebration services are our main focus as we lead the congregation in worship and sing special music. Commitment to rehearsal and Sundays is important. You may choose the service you would like to sing, either 9:15 or 10:45 am or sing in both. Come and enjoy sharing beautiful music with others. The choir might look full but we always have room for you.
When: Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 pm
Where: Rehearsal Hall (Lower Level)
Who: Open to all adults (high school and up; No audition required.)
Childcare provided
The Worship Orchestra
Our Worship Orchestra is made up of musicians of many different levels of experiences from college music majors to semi pro players to people that just love to play for the joy of creating music in an ensemble. The orchestra leads iin worship every other Sunday and joins with the choir for major events. We would love to have you!
When: Wednesdays, 6:15 – 7:15 p.m.
Where: Celebration Center
Who: High School and up are welcome!
Childcare is provided with prior notice
All instruments needed
Interested email Chuck Weatherford
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