The Little Mermaid - June 01 - June 12, 2021

Carihi Secondary




Message from the Director


This has been quite a year.  After losing "Newsies" last year only two weeks from show time I was anxious about what this year would hold.  Covid restrictions caused uncertainty and anxiety and throughout the rehearsal process there were many ups and downs as we tried to rehearse with masks, follow protocol and make sure everyone stayed healthy. I wasn't always sure we were going to make it to show time, but I was determined to give it a try, and here we are. I am so appreciative of the committment and hard work of the whole cast and crew that brought us to show time.


The performing arts have been hit hard this year, with theatres closing their doors, shows being shut down, and people in the theatre industry losing their livelihood. We have been fortunate enough to be allowed to continue to create at a time when most theatres remain dark, and we are grateful to have been able to do this show, even if it's to an empty theatre.


These students have persevered, and I, and my directing team (Beth, Amy and Julianne) are so proud of how far they have come and what they have created. They won't have the appreciation of a 200 person live audience, but we know that you will enjoy the show from the comfort of your own home. If you want to pass on a message to the cast, after watching the show, please send it to and I will share it with the cast.


Thank you for watching, and enjoy the show.

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