Christine Knight
Christine Knight has been directing high school shows since 1993. This is her tenth musical at Carihi and she is delighted that the show will be seen, even if it's only online. The students have worked incredibly hard this year, and Mrs.Knight is very proud of the work they have done, in sometimes challenging situations. She wants to thank everyone for their support.
Beth Kingston
Choral Director
Beth Kingston has been the Choral Director for Carihi’s Musical Theater program for 6 years, and loves being a part of this Dream Team! It is such a pleasure teaching the talented students at Carihi. She also conducts the Carihi Choir and works with the Campbell River Children’s Choir.
Amy Lelliott
Vocal Coach
Amy Lelliott has been teaching voice and musical theatre in the Campbell River area for 19 years. She is a part of the Carihi Musical Theatre team as a vocal coach and this is her 10th show! She loves working with this Dream Team and the fantastic group of kids that are in this program. Amy loves to sing and share her knowledge.
Hugh Schmid
Hugh Schmid has been fortunate enough to make a living with his passion for the past 30 years. He is currently an audio engineer at the Tidemark Theatre but got to tour Canada mixing acts. He’s worked in video production and runs his own P.A. company and recording studio. More recently he and his wife Kim formed the musical duo the P Nut Gallery in which he plays guitar and creates their tracks.