Seussical the Musical - April 08 - April 10, 2022

Bentonville West High School

 End Notes 



Welcome back to live musical theatre! I am so excited to be presenting the first musical at BWHS since 2018. Thank you so much for joining us and supporting our students' hard work!


As I write this during (a very long and stressful) tech week, I can't help but be proud of the students' amazing work over the last three months to make this production happen. We have dealt with so many hurdles this semester: illnesses, scheduling conflicts, snow days, limited time in our performance space, costume backorders... you name it. In the theatre department at West, we teach our students to "always make your partner look good." I have never worked with a group of theatre artists who do this better. The cast and crew have never hesitated to jump in and cover parts when someone was absent. There have been many student-led rehearsals during Flex, lunch, and free periods to help each other with choreography. They even do each other's hair and makeup backstage. I love the culture of this group of students. I will miss it terribly when the show is over.


To the parents and guardians: Thank you for sharing your students with us for this production. I know what a huge time commitment it is to do a musical. I hope you see their efforts pay off this weekend and that you are as proud of them as I am.


To the production staff: I am so grateful to be working with a group of people who love and support the arts in our school. Thank you for welcoming me into your programs with open arms and for doing anything and everything to make this show happen. Let's do musicals together forever!


To the cast, crew, and band: Thank you, students, for being so dedicated Seussical. With any other cast, the obstacles we faced this semester would've made our show a disaster, but you were able to push through and make it a huge success! You know I don't say it unless I mean it, and I mean it: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. Be sure to take some time this weekend to stop and smell the roses. This is a moment in your life that you'll never forget. Remember, once a theatre kid, always a theatre kid. (One of us! One of us!) Seniors: Go out into the world singing and dancing and keep making me proud. Everyone else: You all better come back for the next show!


And to our audience: Thank you for coming out and supporting live theatre in our schools! I hope you love the show as much as I do!





Emily Schiavone




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