Sister Act: A Divine Musical Comedy - February 16 - February 18, 2023

Archbishop MacDonald High School


Thanks to…

  • The ever supportive and amazing Archbishop MacDonald admin team…..Theresa Antonakis, Shelley Cleave, Ferdinand Filipic, and Elise Thorne.
  • Christine Andison for all her help with costumes, sewing and designing. 
  • Marika Nychka for being the best second set of eyes and additional brain space.
  • Ashley Deluca and Maria Joy for all their help with the business side of things.
  • Ray Pryma (Pyrma Photography) for all of the cast and crew headshots! ( 
  • The parents, guardians, and drivers of all cast and crew members.
  • Andrew Richardson for managing and running our livestream. 
  • Les Tokarew and the Mac Custodial Staff! 
  • Mhairi Berg, Simon Abbott, and Camille Ensminger....our students were so lucky to benefit from your expertise. 
  • U of A Props and Costumes
  • Grant Macewan Theatre Department for the nun costumes
  • Scona High School Theatre 
  • Saint Oscar Romero High School Drama Department
  • Breanna Thomas and the staff at La Cite Francophone. 
  • The cast and crew for their help, curiosity, creativity, and dedication! 

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