Notes from the Director:
“THE Mable House? The HUGE one!!!”
Those are the words I heard from my students when I announced where we were holding the play. A mix of excitement, disbelief, and quite honestly - a slight hint of terror. My students were used to playing in smaller venues such as churches or tiny little community theaters that sat 100 people at the most.
Would they be ready? Would I be ready as a director?
Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
And they came,
and we pushed,
And they flew.
I really don’t know how many will be in the audience today.
Will it be 20 – 200 – 2000?
In my obedience to the Lord in renting this huge place, and facing my fears of falling, I had to remind myself what theatre is. Theatre isn’t about filling seats; it is about an experience. Theatre is about learning about yourself and your dreams. Theatre is about finding friendships and making memories. Theatre is about pushing through long rehearsals and practicing over and over and over again, and stretching yourself while making sure all along you are still having fun.
Theatre is about finally stepping out on that huge stage for the first time and facing your fears and knowing… just knowing that yes – yes, you can fly!
Welcome to Narnia~ May you enjoy watching my students soar!
Rosemary Giordano ~ Theatre Director
ActingUp4Christ ~ TrueNorth Homeschool
Poem - Come to The Edge – written by Christopher Logue