Fiddler on the Roof Jr. - March 15 - March 16, 2024

Zionsville Middle School


Prologue: Town Square
Tevye, Full Company
Scene I: Tevye's Home
Hodel, Chava, Tzeitel
Scene II: Tevye's Yard
If I Were A Rich Man  
Scene III: Tevye's Home
Sabbath Prayer  
Tevye, Golde, Families
Scene IV: Mordcha's Tavern
To Life  
Tevye, Lazar, Families
Scene V: Outside the Tavern
Scene VI: Tevye's Yard
Scene VII: Motel's Tailor Shop
Scene VIII: Tevye's Yard
Sunrise, Sunset  
Tevye, Golde, Perchik, Hodel, Full Company
Wedding Dance  
Full Company
There will be a 15-minute intermission between Act I and II.
Scene IX: Tevye's Yard
Scene X: Tevye's Yard
Do You Love Me?  
Tevye, Golde
Scene XI: Anatevka train station
Far From The Home I Love  
Scene XII: Motel's Tailor Shop
Scene XIII: A Road
Scene XIV: Tevye's yard
Golde, Yente, Lazar, Mendel, Avram, Tevye
Scene XV: The Village of Anatevka



A Note from the Directors

Turn off your cell phones

Stay seated during the performance

Videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.


Enjoy the show!


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