Disney's Camp Rock: The Musical - November 09 - November 19, 2023

Young Actors' Theatre


Camp Rock came into my life when I was nine years old, at a time where seeing these diverse and unique characters on the screen was so influential to me in my journey. When the second movie came out in 2011, I remember rushing home from an after school event, turning on Disney Channel and falling even more in love with the franchise. I mean, Camp Rock is truly iconic, and getting the chance to bring this story to the stage has been a dream come true, and a blast from the very beginning!!

I believe there is a spot for everyone here at Camp Rock. A show that at its core preaches celebrating your uniqueness and embracing your inner rocker! Something I never appreciated enough before directing this production, was Camp Rock's main theme of never giving up on something you believe in. When faced with disappointment, the characters in this show go above and beyond to save something they care about all while staying true to themselves the whole time. This show can be used as a teaching lesson to not back down when you are faced with adversity and life's challenges. To always remember to chase your dreams and put your all into everything you do. To me as a director, that is always something that I preach and practice, and I have been so thankful for Camp Rock reminding all of us of these lessons. 

To this wonderful cast, I am so proud of you. This cast is packed full of talented, driven, and fierce young artists! You all have really made this a fantastic experience, and I thank you for always being authentically yourself and giving 110% in order to create this killer show!  Never forget the things we have learned during this process, about embracing the inner you, and always remember the lyrics “This is real, this is me, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be…”. 

There are so many people to thank for the success of this production. To this amazing artistic team, thank you all for going on this journey with me! I am so thrilled this cast got the opportunity to work with our fabulous Music Director, Mary Rose Vadeboncoeur. Mary Rose, thank you for bringing the rocker sound to the stage, and being so fabulous and dedicated to this entire process. Ezri, I am so proud of the work you put into this production, and thank you so much for collaborating with me to create these fierce dance numbers. Vivian, our fearless Stage Manager, you have gone above and beyond to keep everything so smooth, organized and professional from day one, and I am so forever thankful for your friendship and support. Thank you all for putting your heart and soul into this production. None of the work you see on the stage today could be possible without the hard work of our production committee chairs and countless parent volunteers, and I thank you all for the hard work you have put into this show, and trusting me to provide a memorable and positive experience for your children. I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my teachers and mentors, and I will be endlessly grateful for the inspiration and encouragement they have given me. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone at Young Actors’ Theatre for not only giving me the opportunity to direct this production, but for providing a safe space and a home for all. 

Enjoy the show!!
-Brice Cloke, Director & Choreographer

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