We the people… in order to form a more perfect union…
The first words of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution will forever be ingrained in my brain, and not because of rote memorization in elementary school but because of Saturday morning cartoons. As a kid, I loved Saturday mornings! For some reason I would be the first person awake in my house (which would not happen now because I love sleeping in), and I would have the TV all to myself to watch Saturday morning cartoons. In between shows like The Wuzzles and Snorks, there would be Schoolhouse Rock! And those songs are still with me many years later. Many of my favorites such as “Three Is A Magic Number” and “Figure Eight” are included in our production today.
Originally released for television in 1973, the live version of Schoolhouse Rock! premiered in Chicago in 1993. 23 years later, Jean asked me to direct my first show at YAT. Much like Sam in our show, I was nervous for my first time “teaching” these YAcTors. Fortunately, I had an awesome team at my side. Thank you Bailee for holding it all together, Matt for making everyone sound amazing, and Alexa for energizing the show. Also, I have to thank my production chairs, Jess and Jamie, for taking care of all the behind the scenes business involved with producing a show. To all the parents, families, and volunteers, your dedication to this show (and dealing with my frazzled thought process) helped make this show great. To Jean and the rest of the YAT family, thank you for trusting this first time director. And finally, to my magical and interplanet cast, you put the “rock” in Schoolhouse Rock! I’m so proud of this show, it’s all come together in a perfect union.
Joe Dionisio