I am thrilled to be presenting our production of Grease! The cast has many hours of rehearsal under their belts, and I am proud of how far they have come since auditions. It always amazes me how much passion there is inherently in our students: it is obvious how much they love theatre. Something special about this group, too, is that they are all supportive of each other. The cast has a family-vibe to them, which our choreographer noticed during the dance call. This group is loving and caring, and I hope that is conveyed in our performances.
I wanted to thank Connor Martin and Justin Wingenroth because without them, the cast would not be where they are today and this production would not be of the quality that it currently is. Connor did a beautiful job teaching them the music and how they should be singing, as well as reinforcing what their responsibilites are as members of a musical. Justin did the same with the choreography, and he gave the group different perspectives and parallels as to how things would be in the real world of theatre. Both of these gentlemen brought a new sense of life to this production and I am so happy to have the both of them on my team, and I look forward to putting on many more musicals with them in the future.
I also wanted to thank Mrs. Nancy Torrente for all her help in preparing the pit musicians, as well as for her support and guidance through this process. I would like to thank Mr. Daniel Moore and the Tech Crew for their tireless work, as well the the pit musicians for bringing the score alive. None of this could happen without these folks! I am eternally grateful for this team at Yorktown High School.

The Cast & Crew from the 2019 YHS Musical The Little Mermaid
Farewell to our Seniors!
Congratulations! Best wishes for a happy future!
Madison Battinelli
Chelsea Brown
Meredith Brown
Devon Rose Leaver
Samantha Miley
Jake Ulbrich