Six Months Out of Every Year
Joe Boyd, Meg Boyd, Ensemble
Goodbye, Old Girl
Joe Boyd, Joe Hardy
Van Buren, Baseball Players
Shoeless Joe From Hannibal, Mo.
Gloria Thorpe, Joe Hardy, Baseball Players
A Man Doesn't Know
Joe Hardy, Meg Boyd
A Little Brains, A Little Talent
Goodbye, Old Girl (Reprise)
Joe Hardy, Meg Boyd
Who's Got The Pain
Lola, Ensemble
Near To You
Joe Hardy, Meg Boyd
Those Were the Good Old Days
Mr. Applegate
Two Lost Souls
Joe Hardy, Lola, Dancers
A Man Doesn't Know (reprise)
Joe Boyd, Meg Boyd
Act I
Scene 1: Meg's House
Scene 2: The Locker Room
Scene 3: The Stands
Scene 4: The Park
Scene 5: Welch's Office
Scene 6: The Park
Scene 7: Meg's House
Scene 8 & 9: The Locker Room
Scene 10: Back Stage
Scene 11: The Stage
Act II
Scene 1: The Locker Room
Scene 2: The Park
Scene 3: Applegate's Apartment
Scene 4: The Hearing
Scene 5: The Limbo
Scene 6: The NightCLub
Scene 7 The Park
Scene 8: The Stands
Scene 9: Meg's House