I Put My Hand In
Dolly, Company
It Takes a Woman
Horace, The Instant Glee Club
Put On Your Sunday Clothes
Cornelius, Barnaby, Dolly, Ambrose, Ermengarde
Put On Your Sunday Clothes (Reprise)
The People of Yonkers
Ribbons Down My Back
Dolly, Horace, Irene, Minnie, Cornelius, Barnaby
Dolly, Cornelius, Barnaby, Minnie, Irene, Dancers
Before The Parade Passes By
Dolly, Horace, Company
Irene, Cornelius, Minnie, Barnaby
The Waiter's Gallop
Rudolph, Waiters
Hello, Dolly!
Dolly, Rudolph, Waiters, Cooks
The Polka Contest
Ambrose, Ermengarde, Irene, Cornelius, Barnaby, Ensemble
It Only Takes a Moment
Cornelius, Irene, Policeman, Ensemble
Hello, Dolly! (Reprise)
Dolly, Horace
Thank you to the following for their help and support for Hello, Dolly!"
Dr. Ralph Napolitano
Dr. Florence O'Connor, and Mr. Tom Cole
The Yorktown Board of Education
Mr. Joseph DeGennaro
Ms. Deborah Brand, Mr. John Gollisz,
Mr. Joseph Cassarini, and Mr. James Emmanuele
Mrs. Mary Aversano
The Secretarial Staff of YHS
Dennis Verboys
Mr. Diego Araujo and the YHS Custodial Staff
Little Sorrento, Savannah's Southern House, Roma's Italian Grill