Fiddler on the Ladder - June 05

Yeshivas Doresh

 Who's Who 

  • Ari Albert head shot

    Ari Albert

    North Miami Beach, FL 6 months ago I started taking music lessons. I started out with the piano, but am now playing the violin. I learned how to read notes. Because of this and I have hopes of becoming a professional violinist.

  • Aryeh Marder head shot

    Aryeh Marder

  • Avraham Chaim Steier head shot

    Avraham Chaim Steier

  • Avraham Salz head shot

    Avraham Salz

    Lakewood, NJ This past year I started learning how to play the clarinet. When I first got interested in music, I wanted to be a singer. However, now that I’m playing the clarinet I would like to continue. So far I have learned how to read notes. My goal is to be an expert clarinet player.

  • Avrumi Gornish head shot

    Avrumi Gornish

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