Fiddler on the Ladder - June 05

Yeshivas Doresh

 End Notes 

This has B”H been an amazing year. Yeshivas Doresh successfully took on a number of new projects and activities, such as Rabbi Bukspan’s college courses, KM/ORB Kashrus courses, culinary arts program, Professor Bill’s orchestra and musical training, student financial fitness and investment training, Tony’s autobody detailing, an improved contemporary weekly newsletter, etc. and Rabbi Behar has made Night Seder into a focus time for real growth. The Yeshiva is looking forward to a number of new innovative ideas, such as a Smicha course and a post-post-Graduate program. Thank you Professor Bill for your incredible commitment to the Production this year and opening our eyes to what is possible. We will miss you and wish you success in Naples. We thank our sponsors, the parents and everyone who has partnered with us this year and look forward to continued growth together. We wish our graduates endless blessing for future achievements. 

Mazal Tov! Bracha v’hatzlacha!

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