Cinderstein - October 26 - October 27, 2019

Wyoming Middle School


The Wyoming Middle School Drama Program Production Team, along with the entire Cinderstein cast and crew, would like to thank everyone who made this year’s fall play possible! You provided financial contributions; generously offered your time, talents and energy to support us in every way imaginable - carpooling sewing hammering, painting, checking emails and blog posts, supervising rehearsals;  shared your connections with local networks and resources to continue growing our middle school theater community and family; made in-kind donations; and so much more. This production was a school and community endeavor for which we are forever grateful! 


Some special thank yous to our Cinderstein families for being so incredibly supportive of your children; to Mrs. Klein and the entire WMS administrative team for believing in us and giving us the space and resources to hone our talents; and to the WMS theater community for welcoming, embracing and ensuring a climate that provided an immediate sense of belonging to our new drama director. 


Along with the many individuals already listed in this program, we would be remiss without also recognizing the incredible organizations and individuals who were equally unwavering with their support and recognition of the theater arts as an ongoing, integral and meaningful part of the Wyoming Middle School and Wyoming City Schools fine arts community:


District Support

Wyoming Middle School Administration

     Mrs. Jennifer Klein & Mr. Drew Renner

Wyoming Middle School “Dynamic Duo” Administrative Assistants

     Ms. Joyce Norris & Mrs. Donna Warmack

Wyoming Middle School Faculty & Staff

     Mr. John Allred, Mr. Garry Hayden, Ms. Sarah Nyswonger, Mr. Rod    

     King, Mrs. Karen Reiber, Mr. Matt Rooks, Mrs. Susan Sagan, Mr.      

     Tom Wright & the many other supportive MS faculty and staff members

Wyoming Middle School's Outsourced Maintenance Crew

Wyoming Middle School Tech Club Students

Wyoming City Schools

     Mr. Tim Weber, Mrs. Suzy Henke & Mr. Scott Powers

Wyoming Board of Education


Community Support

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS 

CenterStage Players

Cincinnati Shakespeare Company

The Drama Workshop, Eric Thomas

Educational Theatre Association / International Thespian Society

Great American Insurance, Christi Cooper

Grey Midwest, Christopher Reintz

ParTech Lighting Solutions, Tina Groh

Wyoming Community Coffee

Wyoming School Foundation & the Steven Bernstein Theater Fund, Mrs. Alex Guest

Wyoming School Music Association (WSMA)


Individual Support

Linda Baker

Amy Elliott

Spring Starr Pillow

Maria Seyerle

Amy Susskind Weiskopf


And last but not least, we thank you all for coming and supporting the WMS Drama Program. Without each of you and your continued support, there would be no cast… no crew… no show…especially not one as fun-filled and inclusive as this one!

#schooltheatre     #IMPACT

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