Shrek The Musical - November 14 - November 17, 2019

Wylie ISD

  Director's Notes  

Welcome to Shrek the Musical at the Wylie Performing Arts Center!

I would like to personally thank the Production Team of Shrek the Musical!  This collection of current and former Wylie Theatre students, working with our Performing Arts Faculty, have soared way beyond our expectations, and I believe they have created something special. 
Now that you are here and settled in to your seat, please take a moment to think of the strongest memory you have of feeling embarrassed to be different. Maybe you were little and someone made fun of something about you, or maybe you noticed your difference yourself and tried to find ways to smooth out your rough edges before anyone could say anything. What was it about yourself that you specifically wished could be more like everyone else?
Think about that thing for a second.


The story of Shrek is the story of that part of you, that part in each of us. This is the story of how we come to hide or embrace that part of ourselves, and what can happen when we do. This story reminds us that someday someone will love us, not despite that quirk, but because of it; that our closest friends, our deepest connections, and our greatest triumphs come from that thing that makes us authentically us. 

This story looks our insecurity in the face and tells us that when we are brave enough to be ourselves, no matter how strange, life is richer and so much more fun.


The lumpy, green weirdo inside us might just be the very best, most interesting part of us after all.


So lean in to who you are, warts and all. Laugh out loud, and celebrate life as you. We have so little time in this precious life. Do not spend another second of it trying to be perfect.


Pick up your freak flag, and let that thing FLY!


-Chris Shoemake, Director 

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